Monday 14 July 2014

How can abdominal adhesions cause intestinal obstruction?

How can abdominal adhesions cause intestinal obstruction?

Abdominal adhesions can kink, twist, or pull the intestines out of place, causing an intestinal obstruction. An intestinal obstruction partially or completely restricts the movement of food or stool through the intestines. A compete intestinal obstruction is life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention and often surgery.

How can abdominal adhesions cause female infertility?

Abdominal adhesions cause female infertility by preventing fertilized eggs from reaching the uterus, where fetal development takes place. Adhesions can kink, twist, or pull out of place the fallopian tubes, which carry eggs from the ovaries - where eggs are stored and released - to the uterus.

What are the symptoms of abdominal adhesions?

Although most abdominal adhesions go unnoticed, the most commonsymptom is chronic abdominal or pelvic pain. The pain often mimics that of other conditions, including appendicitis,endometriosis, and diverticulitis.

What are the symptoms of an intestinal obstruction?

Symptoms of an intestinal obstruction include

Can abdominal adhesions be prevented?

Abdominal adhesions are difficult to prevent. However, careful, gentle, surgical techniques can minimize the formation of adhesions.
Laparoscopic surgery avoids opening up the abdomen with a large incision. Instead, the abdomen is inflated with gas (carbon dioxide) while special surgical tools and a video camera are threaded through a few, small abdominal incisions. Inflating the abdomen gives the surgeon room to operate.
If a large abdominal incision is required, a special filmlike material (Seprafilm) can be inserted between organs or between the organs and the abdominal incision at the end of surgery. The filmlike material, which looks similar to wax paper, is absorbed by the body in about a week and tends to minimize adhesion formation.
Other steps during surgery to reduce adhesion formation include using starch- and latex-free gloves, handling tissues and organs gently, shortening surgery time, and not allowing tissues to dry out.

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